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FSU cheerleaders at a football game
This is a photograph of two FSU cheerleaders at a football game.
Front Page of Florida Flambeau, Feb. 3, 1970
This page includes Editor Sam Miller's article "Senate, BSU Meet: List 31 Proposals," which recounts a special meeting of the Faculty Senate with the Black Student Union.
Front Page of Florida Flambeau, Feb. 12, 1970
This page includes the article "Black Affairs Commission Named," which covers the formation of a Faculty Senate committee to identify minority student problems and recommend the appropriate actions.
Freedom School photos (Flambeau)
Children learning and playing in one of Tallahassee's Freedom Schools.
Free Flambeau, March 21, 1960
The Free Flambeau was printed in response to the "sitdown" demonstrations that occurred in Tallahassee on February 20, 1960.
Former homecoming kings and queens
This is a photo of former homecoming kings and queens taken at the 1980 homecoming ceremonies
Flyer for Black Student Union rally
This is a flyer advertising a rally organized by the Black Student Union.
Florida State University 1966-1967 Basketball Team
Back Row, Left to Right: Ian Morrison, Darrel Stewart, Brian Murphy, Jeff Hogan, Lenny Hall
Middle Row: Bill Glenn, Dave Ross, Don Biggs, Dick Danford, Ken Doyle, Russ Forkey, Don Hilsmier
Front Row: Head Coach Hugh Durham, Coach Bill…
Middle Row: Bill Glenn, Dave Ross, Don Biggs, Dick Danford, Ken Doyle, Russ Forkey, Don Hilsmier
Front Row: Head Coach Hugh Durham, Coach Bill…
Florida State University 1966-1967 Basketball Team
Front Row, Left to Right: Bob Comparto, Rick Campbell, Don Hilsmier, Lenny Hall, Brian Murphy, Jeff Hogan, Darrel Stewart, Ian Morrison, Russ Forkey
Second Row: Coach Bill Clendinen, Mike Primavera, Steve Summers, Bill Glenn, Don Biggs, Dick…
Second Row: Coach Bill Clendinen, Mike Primavera, Steve Summers, Bill Glenn, Don Biggs, Dick…
Florida Flambeau page 2, Sept. 28, 1964
This page from the Florida Flambeau contains the article "'White Backlash' Affects Civil Rights" by William Ray.